Monday, 18 February 2008

The times they are unshaven

Has anybody ever noticed how all the bad guys in history have dodgy facial hair? This is another tasteless lyric from Bad Track Records! (Not by the legendary Robert Zimmerframe but bearing a passing resemblance to Times they are a' changing)


Strong men all tremble
Its just as they feared
confronted by a baddy
In a strangely shaped beard
It ain’t really right
And its probably not fair
To judge a man on the strength
Of his odd facial hair

But stubble equals trouble
And much misbehavin’
And the times they are unshaven

It just looks so sinister
And no lesser than that
If its not a Bin laden
Or a Yasser Arafat
Men find him threatening
Women find him cute
For a villain ain’t gone wrong
If he just ain’t hirsute

And without the daft ‘tache
And the clothing all khaki
You can’t cut a dash
As Iranian or Iraqi
So forget the hi-tech
Cruise missiles and lasers
When the going get tough
The tough ditch their razors!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


GORDON BROWN - Appologies to the Stranglers

Gordon Brown taxes your fags
Come back from France? they'll search your bags
Ending in tears
As they find those beers
Never buys a round does Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown opens his mouth
Taxes your food, your car and your house
He'll watch you sink
Drive you to drink
He'll let you drown will Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown hands out Tax Credits
Even his best friends admit, and have said it’s
Just a ploy, to baffle and annoy
To confuse and confound,
but he’s Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown drops his square jaw
as the share prices drop through the floor
The Oil price is rising
Its hardly surprising
Confidence abounds with Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown rips off your pension
He’s got us all by those bits I can’t mention
In for a penny,
in for a pound
Into your Wallet dives Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown charges the students
All in the name of fiscal prudence
Now each degree
comes at a fee
Attendance is down with Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown schemes and he plots
Awaiting the day Blair gets the chop
He be right over,
He’ll be right round
He’ll be next door; He’s Gordon Brown

Anyway he's Prime Minister now more is the pity